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Asian Camp

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The United Methodist Church Asian American Summer Camp, in its 50 year history of empowering and inspirational ministry, has developed a reputation amongst its participants as a family-like community, yielding lifelong relationships and faithful servants of God.

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Our Mission Statement

Asian American Summer Camp (AC) is a Christian youth camp sponsored by the National Japanese American United Methodist Caucus (NJAUMC) for all youth entering 10th grade to sophomores in college in the Fall of 2023. In its 49 year history of empowering and inspirational ministry, Asian Camp has developed a reputation amongst it’s participants as a family-like community, yielding lifelong relationships and faithful servants of God.


The mission of “Asian Camp” is to reach out to youth and young adults in our Asian American churches and communities, in effort to lead them toward a closer relationship with Christ. Through worship, fellowship, prayer, growth groups, community builders, and other outdoor activities, Asian Camp encourages campers, as well as staff, to explore their faiths, reflect on their personal identities, and use their spiritual gifts for God’s glory. With special focus on equipping for the future, Asian Camp seeks to instill pride in each camper’s spiritual, cultural, and ethnic identity.


A hallmark of Asian Camp that sets it apart from other Christian summer camps is a tradition of creating its own programming, with inclusion of activities that focus on our Asian heritages and social justice issues relevant to today’s youth. With every aspect of programming, Asian Camp aims to foster an atmosphere of love and acceptance, where youth feel secure in their personal identities, but are still challenged to be all that God has created them to be. Within this context, our intent is to create life-affirming experiences that will root Asian Camp participants in understanding of their relationships with God and their identity.

Future of Camp

We have been blessed to have experienced the sacred, accepting, heartfelt, and spirit-
filled space, we call Asian Camp. Whether it was for one summer or decades of our lives,
we hope you have been impacted in ways that inspired personal and spiritual growth, and friendships that will last a lifetime.

But as all seasons change, Asian Camp 2025 will once again change its structure
and format to merge the Jr. High Camp in the Asian Camp program to a one camp model.
We make this transition with much gratitude for the vision of our founders for the need of
an ethnic faith-based camp, rooted in social justice and identity, to journey forward with
excitement and hope to where God will continue to lead this ministry into the future.
We trust and believe something new and wonderful will be born. Through change, the
fellowship and friendships made can continue with the same spirit of God, working,
blessing, and growing our community in faith and love, forever.

Meet The Directors


Lauren Takaichi

Lauren grew up attending Wesley UMC in San Jose, where she has served as the middle school ministry youth director for two years. This year, she has expanded her role to include overseeing both middle and high school youth ministry. Growing up, she attended both JHC and AC as a camper, and when the time came, she felt called to give back to JHC as a counselor and director. This year, she is excited to serve Asian Camp as a director. She attended UC Santa Cruz, where she graduated in 2024 with degrees in Biochemistry and in Psychology. As a returning director, she looks forward to connecting with and helping the youth explore their faith in a safe space that encourages purposeful and meaningful relationships with each other and with God. Lauren loves giving back to this camp and the people who make this camp special. She hopes to extend that same feeling of love, welcomeness, and acceptance that brought her to camp to all who serve and attend this camp.


James Kuhlmann

James grew up attending Faith United Methodist Church in Torrance. During his childhood, he was able to attend JHC and AC as a camper, and fell in love with his faith and the camp system. After high school, he relocated to San Diego, where he studied at San Diego State University and served as a Greek Intervarsity leader on campus. While earning his degree in Kinesiology (Emphasis in Pre-Physical Therapy), James continued to serve as counselor at Asian Camp. As a second time director, he is ecstatic to be a part of the directing team. James wants to continue to make camp an open, loving space that allows God to move through those in attendance. He recognizes how camp is a unique place where campers are able grow deeper in their relationships with God while understanding how their faith can affect all aspects for their life, and hopes to recreate that same environment that he was able to experience as a camper.


Kai Okamura

Kai was born raised and currently lives in San Diego. During his free time Kai has picked up golf as a hobby. He attended SDSU which is where he met James who invited him to his first camp as a camper in 2018. He has since attended Asian Camp 4 times as a counselor. This is his second year as a director and he is super excited to be taking on a new role in camp. His favorite part about Asian Camp is the loving community and acceptance of everyone for who they are. Kai hopes that this year of camp brings growth and amazing memories that campers can build their life off of.


Greg Mizukami

Greg is a first year director for Asian Camp. Despite only being able to attend one Asian Camp as a camper, he has spent eleven years at camp as a counselor starting in 2012. As a member of Faith United Methodist Church, Greg works with the middle school and high school youth as a youth advisor. 
Throughout the years, Greg has worked with many different individuals and personalities, collaborating with different teams and leadership styles to bring a meaningful experience to the youth both at camp and at his home church. He is excited to bring his experience and skills to camp in a new role and is looking forward to help nurture the next generation of leaders along with contributing to the camp experience that has been a spiritual cornerstone to many youth.

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